GP Engine 123cc Twin V2 inc Muffler & Accs

GP Engines


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  • GP Engine 123cc Twin V2 inc Muffler & Accs
  • Finding an engine for your aircraft is easy, but getting an affordable engine with such high power is next to impossible! Specially designed crankcase makes sure fuel is equally distributed to both cylinders. It also optimizes power, reduces vibration, and increases durability. GP123 is definitely your best choice for 35% aerobatic aircrafts and you will get the most bang for your buck!

    Displacement 123 c.c.
    Bore 46.5 mm
    RPM Range 1500-8900
    Output 12 Horsepower
    Total Weight 2300 g
    Ignition Weight 202 g
    Muffler Weight 330 g
    Gasoline 92 Unleaded
    Gas/Oil Mix Ratio 40:1
    Carburetor Walbro WJ-71
    Spark Plug NGK CM-6

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